Colonization in the Ancient Mediterranean
From tales of early heroic wanderings to archaeological evidence for contact and settlement, the Phoenicians, Greeks, and Romans spread their vast empires by establishing and maintaining colonial outposts throughout the Mediterranean. In this course, we examine the practical factors and physical circumstances that drove ancient colonization in Greece, Italy, Spain, North Africa, the Black Sea, and beyond, as well as the ancient literary sources that document colonization efforts. We furthermore focus on the vast archaeological remains and epigraphic corpus that substantiate and complicate these narratives. We also consider how the movement of entire populations affected communities and their sense of identity, discussing present-day parallels when appropriate.
Last taught: Spring 2018 at Pitzer College
Resources: Syllabus | Schedule | Reading Journal Guidelines | Writing Assignment Grading Standards | Writing Assignment Sample Rubric | Final Presentation Guidelines | Final Presentation Rubric
Special thanks to Catherine Baker, with whom I co-developed the materials for Colonization of the Ancient Mediterranean.
Please don’t hesitate to contact me for access to additional resources pertaining to this course.